The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with The Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Lebanon has organized a 4 day WIPO Training of Trainers Program on: “Effective Intellectual Property Asset Management by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)” from Monday June 10 until Thursday June 13, 2013.
The training was designated for people from different backgrounds, knowing that most of the participants were legal practitioners.
Mr. Fawaz Hamidi, BIAT Director, conducted a presentation on “Shaping Business Strategy through Competitive Intelligence-Strategic Use of Intellectual Property Information” on the 12th of June, 2013 held at the Social and Economic Council, Down Town, Beirut.
The presentation explained the importance of competitor analysis, benchmarking and competitive intelligence, on the available and to come IP registered and under process, as a source of competitive advantage and differentiation of businesses. The presentation also highlighted the importance of intangible assets and the internal processes including R&D and learning & growth. BIAT experience and the Lebanese context from IP and Competitive Intelligence were discussed at the end of the presentation.