The kick off meeting of MEDPORTS “Mediterranean Ports Sustainability & Efficiency in Intermodal Synchronization” was held on January 21st and 22nd ,2014 in Spain/Seville.
MEDPORTS project is co-financed by the EU through the European cross-border cooperation program ENPI CBC MED with non-European Mediterranean areas. It aims to provide, beyond what its name suggests, the best techniques to increase efficiency and sustainability in port cargo traffic, accelerating the process, and reducing cargo residence time in ports through an implementation period of 2 years.
BIAT team Eng. Ranim Maksoud (Project Coordinator) and Mr. Abedulrahman Ghaleb attended the launching event. BIAT is the lead partner in the communication work package and will also be responsible for providing technical and administrative support to the port of Tripoli throughout the project.
All partners attended the kick off meeting.
The MEDPORTS partners are:
From Spain: lead partner IAT (Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia) and its associates ( University of Cadiz and the National Center of Excellence in Integrated Logistics) and The Seville Port Authority.
From Lebanon: Office of Exploitation of Tripoli Port (OEPT) and Business Incubation Association in Tripoli (BIAT).
From Jordan: Al-Balqa Applied University (BAU) and its associate Aqaba Port Corporation.