Objective: Startups, entrepreneurs and MSMEs are supported to enhance creativity and innovation and foster job creation in the longer term
Output 1: Beneficiary selection, incubation and competition
A call for proposal will be launched by UNDP in February outlining clear and defined selection criteria, and with support from the RP and in agreement with the selection committee (UNDP Team, RP and donor) and between 30-40 applicants will be chosen for the incubation phase (up to 6 weeks). The project will target the sectors of Agriculture, Agro-food, light manufacturing and rural tourism including innovative ideas related to solid waste management, energy, water and wastewater, industry and transportation. These applicants will benefit a set of tailored trainings such as management, marketing, innovation and more depending on their needs to support them to apply for the competition. The RP will be responsible for undertaking any final assessment before finalizing the list of beneficiaries, prepare and manage the trainings logistically and technically (e.g. schedule and topics), as well as organize the competition to allow for the final selection of 15 winners.
Output 2: Provision of prizes for winners and follow up support
The 15 winners will be selected by a Jury made of national experts, UNDP and donor representatives as well as relevant stakeholders and will benefit from a prize grant of 25,000 USD to be spend based on a set business plan, as well as support and coaching to complement the knowledge already received as part of output 1. The RP will be required to closely follow up with the beneficiaries for approximately 4 months.